addressing Mental Health issues:
anxieties 101
This website was actually the
original website of the entire network. It was designed to show how our mental health can affect all of us - no matter what
gender or what age. It also shows how our lifestyle factors affect our mental health.
Pages within anxieties
101 are:
about anxieties 101 about mental illness my own personal inventory: an exercise in studying one's past generalized
and social anxiety panic disorder phobias obsessive compulsive disorder post traumatic stress disorder depression how
it all works: a glossary of mental health words, explanations of how the brain works, chemicals in the brain, stigma of mental
illness, etc. children and mental illness teenagers and mental illness young adults and mental illness women and
mental illness men and mental illness seniors citizens and mental illness lifestyle diet lifestyle exercise lifestyle
sleep lifestyle relaxation lifestyle counseling lifestyle medications disasters sub-pages: bipolar
disorder phobia list affective or mood disorders sleep disorders in children children and parenting hormonal
problems with women and mental health physical illnesses to watch for trauma personal dealings with post traumatic
stress disorder anxieties 102: A carbon copy site of anxieties 101 - just more information.
try recovering 101
This site describes a personal growth recovery journey and
the questions you might have.
the homepage
what is this site about? why bother? what is recovery? how can it help me?
what is the emotional feelings network of sites? it's one person's recovery story - shared
with you!
how to use the network for all you stubborn, hard headed people, like I used to be!
how it all comes together
it's all about you learning to love you!
abuse 101
Abuse and domestic violence were once included in the original site website I designed -
anxiety understanding - but had to be taken out when anxieties 101 became a reality. It was important to me to include this
in information pertaining to mental health because I personally lived in domestic violence my entire life, but had never known
about mental illness.
Even after visiting the emergency room almost everyday for one year, no one ever told me
I might be experiencing an anxiety or panic attack. I had several endoscopic procedures and saw specialists regularly, even
took Percocet while pregnant to control my chest pain because the specialists didn't understand what was causing me the unbearable
I was finally diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, depression and an eating disorder.
I firmly assert that all victims of abuse and domestic violence need to engage in a mental health assessment when entering
shelters, as well as their children. If mental health was a priority, perhaps it wouldn't take women so long to leave their
abusive husband, partners, parents, or whoever instead of it taking up to seven times of leaving
the abusive situation to finally leave for good.
The following pages are found on the abuse 101 website:
the homepage
if you are being abused now
about abuse
about control
about abuse of power
about abusive people
survival behaviors
emotional abuse
child abuse
bullies - both childhood and adult
teen dating violence
elder abuse
verbal abuse
physical abuse
sexual abuse
spiritual abuse
financial abuse
narcissistic abuse
abuse at work
domestic violence basics
coping mechanisms
domestic violence shelters
leaving an abusive relationship
abusive women
once abused
if your abuser is a cop
your abuser is your parent
Welcome! Once again, I had
to personally include eating and sleeping disorders in my own personal growth recovery journey so a website emerged concerning
them all. I personally have dealt with night eating syndrome, an eating/sleeping disorder most of my life. I moderate a support
group for night eaters, visit the site by clicking the above link to join the group. You'll see the link on every page to
Eating disorders, mental health, abuse, domestic violence are all connected.
This was a very difficult part of my recovery. Although I beat eating at night, my sleep remains disordered and my eating
habits are still not as healthy and consistent as they need to be.
To learn more
about the site, just click on the link above! Here are the pages included within the night eating website:
the homepage night
eating... what is it? what's your relationship with yourself like? eating disorders obesity abuse and trauma still
searching? click here about sleeping sleep disorders emotions and feelings are you mindful and aware? anxiety
disorders the latest scoop take my survey how it all works where does all your energy go? my personal story nobody's
perfect lifestyle diet dieting? lifestyle exercise lifestyle sleep you are a valuable person lifestyle relaxation lifestyle
counseling and medications words of encouragement
Both changes websites
have the same pages, although changes 2 has more up to date information!
The following pages are found in the changes sites!
the homepage gimme contact gimme goals gimme a plan gimme no hang ups! lifestyle
diet protein carbs fruits vegetables fats sweets marvelous miscellany lifestyle exercise exercise
defeat aerobics cycling endurance training gardening hiking isometrics pilates rowing running strength
training stretching swimming tai chi walking water aerobics yoga lifestyle sleep lifestyle relaxation aromatherapy massage meditation relaxation
breathing relaxation techniques lifestyle counseling acupuncture behavioral counseling method cognitive behavioral
counseling method electroconvulsive therapy group therapy interpersonal therapy lifestyle medications emotions
and feelings lifestyle quit smoking volunteering relationships
There are
more hidden pages within the site for each topic listed!
the layer down underI thought of the name for the next few sites because throughout
my personal growth recovery journey it seemed that I was unpeeling the layers within to find more things to discover and figure
out within my own self. So as you go through this site - you'll find the second stage of what I found was needed for a personal
growth recovery journey and as you visit the next few layer down under sites, you'll see how you are peeling back the layers
of time in your own journey as well! the homepage
addictions: covers three pages including alcohol, drugs, smoking,
gambling, sex, the Internet, prescription medications, shopping and more!
attention to attitude extracting beliefs: where did your
belief system come from? befriending your body image boundaries accepting change examining emotions: and emotional
intelligence - what is that? expectations feelings - our messengers humor insight inspiration intentions
- do they matter? investigating intuition what is "letting go" suggesting learning listening skills mingling in
mindfulness opinions - what's yours? living in the present moment reflection explaining risk taking spirituality stress
- it's truly a problem
thoughts, thought process, and thinking - 3 whole pages of
the layer down under that
the homepage about the layer down under experience looking
within - thoughts and feelings about whose fault things are looking within - am i an abuser? looking within - am i someone
who abandons others? consistency - learn about it and use it! about suicide - it's a shame coping mechanisms circumstances communication
skills - 2 pages of info personality and temperament family dysfunction
different religions
Throughout my personal growth
and recovery journey I've had to become very truthful with myself concerning how my religious beliefs swayed my thinking throughout
my difficult past. Defining our own personal religious beliefs, I believe, is something very important instead of just adopting
the beliefs of our parents. Take a peek and see if anything touches you!
the homepage about this site my first religion believing in God Sharing your Story recovery
- does religion help in recovery? spirituality different religions why is religion important to us? domestic violence
and religion did you ever join a cult? was it spiritual abuse? do they really care about you at church? getting informed practices,
traditions, and service work bible talk youth and religion these days ask me!
the self pages The self pages started out because I found the need
to learn more about myself in my personal growth recovery journey. This site speaks to "self" emotions and feelings; for example
- self acceptance and self confident. It's important that we learn as much as possible about our own selves as we can't move
forward in personal growth and recovery until we've faced our own self. Check it out. The following pages are available on
this site! the self pages - the homepage the self selfless self
absorbed self acceptance self actualization self affirmation self blaming self care self centered self
concept self confident self consciousness self contentment self control self critical self deceptive self
defeating self defense self destructive self development self disclosure self discovery self doubt self
esteem self examination self forgiveness self growth self hatred self harm - self injury self healing self
help self image self image self improvement self induced self judgment self indulgent self liberated self
loathing self love self motivated self protective self punishment self reinforcement self responsibility self
sabotage self soothing self suppression self supportive self talk self victimization self worth
children 101
In keeping with my original theme in anxieties 101
- I wanted to take the gender/age groups a step further with their own personal sites. Information concerning children is
of the utmost importance since children don't come with how to manuals when they are born; I feel it's important to look at our own upbringings, realize the results of the parenting practices of our parents and then teach
ourselves what different parenting skills are needed to raise emotionally and physically healthy kids!
the homepage mental health issues facing children Mental Health: In the womb and the
first year of life Mental Health: Two, Three and Four for more! Mental Health: The Elementary School Child Mental
Health: The Chaos Begins! Almost teens! (Teens have their own site) Emotions and Feelings Attachment Temperament Just
Love 'Em - What children need Children and Fear Children and Anger Children and Control Power Struggles How
to Communicate Limits and Boundaries Self Esteem Dealing with Bullies Discipline Character and Values Social
Skills Children and Friendships Children need Extended Family Lifestyle Factors - diet, exercise, sleep, relaxation Children
and Responsibilities School and Education Sex Education Spirituality Gifted Children Children with Special
Needs Children with Special Problems Children and Stress Abuse and Neglect Dysfunctional family life Children
and Divorce Parenting Tips Adoption Same Sex Parenting Step Families Foster Homes No Kids, be a mentor! When
Kids Self Medicate When a Parent Dies When a Sibling Dies Children and Trauma
There's more information here, some pages aren't completed, but as always
- this network is a work in progress - a personal challenge that is included in my own personal
growth recovery journey! I do the best I can to help as many people and address as many topics as possible!
teenscene has been undergoing some changes, but pay it a visit and recommend it to a teen you know!
found teenscene
traumatic stress disorder
compulsive disorder
it works
down time
and feelings
- what does that word mean to you
how to communicate
- what's up with that?
in diversity
one cares about me!